ED Blog: Exploring New Ways of Doing Things

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ED Blog: Exploring New Ways of Doing Things

“Sometimes we get in a"rut" of always doing the same thing!”

One of the emerging trends that came out of our annual planning session this fall was the apparent ever-decreasing human resource capacity within community sport, culture and recreation organizations:

  • Volunteers are wearing multiple hats
  • People in leadership positions are burnt out
  • Paid staff are non-existent in most situations

So, what if your board or organization could explore new ways of doing things to overcome obstacles, enhance efficiencies and help strengthen the existing volunteer human resource capacity? Maybe how you did things tenor 15 years ago just isn’t working anymore? Sometimes we get in this “rut” of always doing the same thing we have always done…just because it’s comfortable and familiar. The reality is though that there is opportunity to try something new or pilot a different structure – and yes, it does take work, but in the end, it could be the best thing your board has ever done!

The South East District has been offering board development sessions for several years. One thing always remains constant after these sessions – change happens – even if it is just a little restructure here or sometimes it is a big change with a whole new staff position added to the mix. There is sooo much value of taking a step back, evaluating the current situation and environment, and then exploring the possibilities that could help your group really succeed and prosper!

Let US help YOU! Consider that “internal review and reflection” and explore the “new”! Our development sessions are free for sport, culture and recreation groups and include two facilitated, interactive meetings. Contact us at cdc@southeastdistrict.ca to start the conversation and learn more!

South East District has a plethora of virtual and in-person Mini-Workshops that boards can host as part of an orientation, or just a general education session attached to a monthly meeting!

Policies & Procedures, Effective Meetings, and Board Roles are topics we offer - and more! And we now have some On-Demand Training Module options, too! Check them out on our Training Page at www.southeastdistrict.ca.

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