Getting the Budget Right in Your Grant Proposal

South East District is pleased to partner with Sunrise Community Futures to offer this Lunch & Learn Grant Webinar.

This free webinar will focus on what you need to do to create a high-quality grant budget. Grant approval is a competitive process and weak budgets are one of the most common reasons grant applications are declined! Register now if you want to learn how to write a grant budget that is thorough, evidence-driven, and representative of your organization’s goals. Solid budget = winning proposal!

What you will learn:

  • The importance of being grant ready and preparation prior to the completion of the application
  • The purpose of the grant budget and how it differs from your operating budget
  • Creating a realistic/ compelling budget
  • Quick tips for creating stronger grant budgets

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Presenter: Shelley Thoen-Chaykoski
Date: Tuesday, November 14
Time: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.
Cost: Free
Register Here:
