The South East Summit is a one-day, in-person event for all individuals interested in cultural vitality. It is a day to network, learn, engage, share, break bread, and create through an itinerary of activities that includes table talks, break-out sessions, a panel discussion, roundtables, and features celebrated speaker and cultural advocate Cadmus Delorme as a closing keynote speaker. The Summit is meant to be an incubator for innovation and inspiration and a forum to celebrate the South East District's arts, heritage and multiculturalism sectors.
The sky’s the limit at the South East Summit!
South East Summit Detailed Schedule
9:00 - 9:30 AM - Registration, Coffee, and Networking
9:30 - 9:45 AM - Welcoming remarks
9:45 – 10:45 AM - Break Out Sessions: Select One
Session #1: Art Starts at the Library – Regan Lanning, Artist and Morgan Kelly, Community Services Manager, Southeast Regional Library
Session #2: Coronach in Bloom – Town of Coronach Community Development Officer, Kelsey Manske and Andrew Exelby, Parks and Open Spaces Consultant, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
Session #3: All Aboard Ogema! Southern Prairie Railway – Lead Volunteer and Ogema Mayor Carol Peterson
10:45 - 11:00 AM - BREAK
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Table Talks
Age Friendly Saskatchewan, Community Initiatives Fund, Culture Days, Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, SaskCulture, and SK Arts
12:00 - 1:00 PM - LUNCH & DESSERT
1:00 - 2:00 PM - Panel Discussion
Transforming Spaces: How Art and Heritage Can Enliven Communities featuring Artist Karlie King, Artist in Community, Estevan, Project Coordinator Cori Saas, Project 104 Moose Jaw, and Executive Director Kristin Enns-Kavanagh (Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society, moderated by South East Sport, Culture & Recreation Community Development Consultant Amber Andersen.
2:00 - 2:15 PM - BREAK
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM - Roundtable Discussion: Artists in Communities
3:00 - 4:00 PM - Closing Keynote
There is no Reconciliation without Truth, Founder and CEO, OneHoop - Advancing Canadians’ understanding of Economic Reconciliation, Cadmus Delorme
4:00 - 4:15 PM - Wrap – Up
DOWNLOAD the full event schedule here. (PDF)
Break Out Sessions: Registrants must select one break out session to attend.
Session #1: Art Starts at the Library: An introduction to a partnership program between South East District and the Southeast Regional Library System; this hands-on session will highlight how community can remove barriers to art participation of all ages through collaborative partnerships between artists, libraries, recreation groups and others that can leave a lasting art legacy in the community! This session will also teach participants about printmaking. It will feature participating artist Regan Lanning and Southeast Regional Library Community Services Manager, Morgan Kelly (limit of 20 participants—first come, first served).
Session #2: Coronach in Bloom features presentations by Kelsey Manske, Town of Coronach Community Development Officer and Andrew Exelby, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association Parks and Open Spaces Consultant, as they discuss Coronach’s Communities in Bloom Special Recognition award for their Old Coronach Street Festival Museum Murals. Communities in Bloom as a program is about more than just flowers; if your community is considering murals, don’t miss this enlightening talk.
Session #3: All Aboard Ogema! Southern Prairie Railway: Southern Prairie Railway (SPR) is Saskatchewan’s first full-sized tourist railway. Formed in 2010, they provided a multitude of experiences on a fully restored 1925 passenger car pulled by a General Electric 44-ton switcher locomotive. Learn from SPR Lead Volunteer and Ogema Mayor Carol Peterson about the history of this organisation, how a community got on board with this heritage experience and how it has put Ogema on the map!
Table Talks: Here is your opportunity to connect with provincial funders and resources to build culture in your community! Each table talk is ten minutes long, followed by a five-minute question-and-answer period. During this hour-long portion of the schedule, registrants can participate in three table talk sessions. Featuring:
- Age Friendly Saskatchewan: Don Johnson
- Community Initiatives Fund: Angie Sawatzky
- Culture Days: Busayo Osobade
- Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils: Zoë Schneider
- Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association: Andrew Exelby
- SaskCulture: Tara-Leigh Heslip
- SK Arts: Chancz Perry
Panel Discussion: Each presenter will provide a ten-minute PowerPoint lecture to discuss and explore the panel topic. The moderator will then pose questions to the panellists, followed by a brief question-and-answer period with the audience.
Transforming Spaces: How Art and Heritage Can Enliven Communities: This panel explores, Big or small, the actions of communities in partnership with arts and heritage groups that can create uniquely Saskatchewan experiences that highlight and celebrate the ingenuity and individuality of our communities. By tying together elements of community development and intangible cultural heritage and each speaker bringing a unique skill to their project, the presentations highlight the many things to commemorate and explore in our Saskatchewan communities.
Roundtable Discussion: Each table will have a discussion leader and minute taker to prompt conversation with the registrants regarding potential art and heritage activities in their community. For example, what are some barriers that are keeping you from participating in such programs as having an artist in your community? This session will help the South East District identify gaps so that we can assist our communities in moving forward.
Closing Keynote: There is no Reconciliation without Truth, Cadmus Delorme, Founder and CEO, OneHoop
The prior Chief of Cowessess First Nation Cadmus Delorme led a discussion helping many Canadians during the announcement of unmarked graves at former residential schools. Join in as Cadmus provides a message that includes Truth, Reconciliation, and hope for the future and captures an understanding of what we all inherited.
Cadmus Delorme, a Cree and Saulteaux, is a citizen of the Cowessess First Nation. Cadmus is now a Partner and CEO of OneHoop Consulting Group and Partner of Flowing River Capital Group, which focuses on enhancing Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #92, Business and Reconciliation.
Registration Information:
Event Registration Fee: $50.
Final Deadline to Register: May 13, 2024
Payment: Payment can be made by e-transfer or mailed cheque. Your confirmation email will provide further details.
Register Here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/y8j994c/lp/bbebe428-2919-43f3-a4d0-f296087d20d7
Questions: For any questions regarding the South East Summit, email cdc@southeastdistrict.ca.