South East District is partnering with the sport, culture and recreation districts across the province to bring you this important Lunch & Learn webinar. Thank you to Parkland Valley, Prairie Central, Northern, Rivers West, Lakeland, and South West Districts for working with us!
What is risk and why is it important in recreation management? Participants of this free webinar will learn about the liabilities and risks associated with winter and summer use of recreation facilities and the steps that can be taken to improve service delivery and operations. Examples of risk cases will be shared, along with information regarding policy and procedures. Join us as we explore lessons learned and how you can properly manage the liability risk exposures in your facilities!
Who Should Attend? This webinar will benefit all volunteers or recreation practitioners working in the recreation sector in rural or urban communities, such as Town Councils, Facility Managers, Community Recreation Directors, and Community Arena, Park, Pool Boards and Committees.
About the Presenter: Doug Wyseman has been involved in risk management since 1973. Doug has worked in the public sector as risk manager for a large Canadian municipality and in the private sector for insurers of municipalities and sports organizations. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) where he assisted in the development of the Canadian Playground Safety Institute and served on the CPRA Playground Safety Taskforce.
Presenter: Doug Wysman
Date: Wednesday, November 22
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Cost: Free (Register by November 15)
Register Here: