Arts and Culture

Welcome to South East District's Arts and Culture page! This page was created to ignite creativity and inspire your community through arts and culture. We're here to help you bring creative ideas to life. 


For more information, contact Amber Andersen, Community Development Consultant,



Art Starts


ART STARTS at your library; it starts with a community that wants to introduce professional arts training to its community members. ART STARTS in your community as a team pursuit! Partnerships with libraries, community groups, and professional artists are encouraged to build visual arts capacity and access in our southeast communities.


South East Sport, Culture & Recreation District is thrilled to collaborate with Southeast Regional Library to expand access to visual culture via community art projects, workshops, and classes involving professional artists as project leads at Southeast library branches. Art kits will be made available to library branches throughout the Southeast District; the kits include basic supplies, information on connecting with artists who can teach the art medium, contract templates, e-mail communication templates, and how to partner in the community. Libraries use the kits in partnership with local groups that ultimately partner with professional artist leads to offer art activities to the community while eliminating barriers regarding cost, materials, and art instruction.


Contact your local library to participate.


Art Starts Guide


Art Start Templates:



Artist Directory


Our Artist Directory showcases a diverse list of artists from southeast Saskatchewan, providing a platform for artists to promote their work and connect with the community.


Artist Directory


Calling all artists in southeast Saskatchewan! Sign up to join our Artist Directory and showcase your talent to a wider audience.


Artist Directory Registration


South East Summit


The South East Summit is a one-day, in-person event for all individuals interested in cultural vitality. It is a day to network, learn, engage, share, break bread, and create through an itinerary of activities that includes table talks, break-out sessions, a panel discussion, roundtables, and will feature a celebrated keynote speaker. The Summit is meant to be an incubator for innovation and inspiration and a forum to celebrate the South East District's arts, heritage and multiculturalism sectors.


Indigenous Hub


We have put together Indigenous reads and resources to support your journey in understanding Indigenous cultures, histories, and reconciliation efforts.



The Indigenous Awareness Hub on SaskCulture's site provides resources to help individuals and organizations deepen their understanding of Indigenous cultures and history, focusing on Truth and Reconciliation. 


Monthly Cultural Chats


The Monthly Cultural Chat is an online forum for culture-specific entities in the south east to meet and network. Held over lunch and online, we are trying to grow the connectivity and awareness of the exciting things we are working on, share our knowledge/expertise, and for the South East Sport, Culture, & Recreation District to tell you about pertinent upcoming funding, trends, and education programming we have to assist institutions at achieving their best results!



Cultural Directory


Our Cultural Directory is a comprehensive list of cultural organizations in southeast Saskatchewan. It’s designed to help organizations and individuals easily find the cultural resources they need.


Cultural Directory


South East Sport, Culture & Recreation District is inviting cultural organizations to join our Cultural Directory! By registering, you'll have the opportunity to promote your organization and work, with the added benefits of being featured on our website and social media channels.


Cultural Directory Registration